It’s no secret that artificial grass stays cooler than natural grass under the blazing sun of summer, but many people wonder just how hot it gets. The answer depends on the type of artificial grass you have and the UV protection the layer beneath your turf offers. So, let’s look at how hot synthetic grass gets and what can be done to reduce the heat it generates to help your pets stay comfortable this summer.
Does Artificial Grass Get Hot In Summer?
The short answer is yes. Artificial grass does get hot in the summertime. But not for the reasons you might think. Synthetic turf, also known as fake grass, is designed to give off a soft, relaxed feel that’s great for bare feet and children’s playtime but can have a temperature of up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit or higher on an 85-degree day.
Why Does Artificial Grass Get Hot In Summer?
Artificial grass gets hot in summer because it’s one of the few synthetic earth materials reflecting heat and infrared light. Typically, the blades store energy during the day and release it at night. As a result, laying or walking on artificial grass can be uncomfortable when it’s cold outside and you wear less clothing.

How Hot Can Synthetic Grass Get?
The truth is that synthetic grass can get very hot, depending on the circumstances. Synthetic grass fibers are made of polypropylene or polyethylene, highly heat-resistant plastics. On the other hand, rubber mats will start to melt at about 250 degrees Fahrenheit (120°C).
Another consideration is that if you have a searing sun beating down on your artificial turf during the day and all night time temperatures at 100°F, it will be hotter. Some companies also install heating systems beneath the artificial lawn to keep it warm in cold weather.
How To Reduce The Heat?
Artificial grass gets hot, too. As a product, it is synthetic, meaning that the material does not possess natural insulation qualities. One way to reduce heat from artificial grass is to install a landscaping tree close to the space. A tree will provide shade, increase air circulation throughout the area, and help keep artificial grass cool.
A shady tree can also be planted in the middle of an outdoor installation for additional relief. An artificial turf installation without a tree nearby may require an irrigation system, water hose, or sprinkler to keep the ground damp and cool. Some professionals prefer to add a layer of sand underneath the turf for areas in direct sunlight, which helps insulate it from heating up too much.
Another option is installing a layer of limestone gravel under the ground cloth. Heat-resistant synthetic grass will be labeled as such, and this information can usually be found in the product description or on the company’s website.

Is There Heat-Resistant Synthetic Turf Available?
Heat-resistant synthetic turf is available, so you don’t have to worry about whether the grass will start smoking when it gets hot. The heat-resistant turf won’t get too hot and cause any problems with melting or discoloration. You can find heat-resistant synthetic turf online in various styles and colors.
Before purchasing, do your homework; not all synthetic grasses can handle high temperatures. The most significant benefit of this grass is that it never needs watering.