It may come as a surprise, but it is not only possible to remove old negatives from a camera, you can do it on your own in the privacy of your home as I explain step by step how to accomplish this.
How to Prepare your Camera
It’s important to be very careful when removing film from an old camera – if done incorrectly, you could easily ruin the film. Here are some tips on how to prepare your camera for removal:
1. Make sure the camera is completely dry. Any moisture will damage the film.
2. Remove any batteries or other power sources from the camera.
3. Most importantly, do not wind the film advance lever! This could break the film and make it unusable.
What do I use the Camera For?
There are a few things to keep in mind when using an old camera. The first is that the film may be old and brittle, so be careful not to rupture it. Secondly, the spools may be very tight, so it is best to use a flathead screwdriver to loosen them before attempting to remove the film.
Once you have accessed the film, be sure to wind it tightly and evenly onto the new spool. If the film is too loose, it will not advance properly and will likely tear. If the film is too tight, it could damage the camera or cause the film to break. When in doubt, err on the side of tightness – you can always loosen the new spool if needed.

What Tools Do I Need
Assuming you have an old film camera that you would like to get the film out of, there are a few tools you will need in order to do so without ruining the film.
First, you’ll need a rewind knob. This isAttached to the camera and is used to wind the film back into the canister. Second, you need scissors or another sharp object To cut the film leader off of the roll. And lastly, you’ll need a dark room or changing bag In order to load the film onto a new roll without exposing it to light.
With these tools in hand, follow these steps:
1. Open up the back of your camera and locate the rewind knob.
2. Turn the knob counter-clockwise until the film is fully rewound into the canister.
3. Using your scissors or sharp object, cut off the film leader so that you have a clean end to work with.
4. Take your new roll of film and thread it through the empty spools in your camera (being careful not to touch any of the surface with your fingers).
5. Once threaded, use your rewind knob to wind the new film until it feels snug (but don’t overdo it!).
6. Close up your camera and enjoy!
Getting Ready to Remove Film from a Camera
Assuming the film is still in good condition, you’ll need to carefully remove it from the camera. Begin by gently easing the rewind knob out until you feel resistance. At this point, stop and hold the rewind knob in place while you release the tension on the film take-up spool by pressing down on the black release button. With the spool released, you can now turn the rewind knob counter-clockwise until it stops. The next step is to open the camera’s back door and remove the used film cartridge. To do this, first locate the red window on the back of your camera. This is where you’ll see a number that corresponds to the frame number of your photograph. Just below this window, there should be a small tab or lever that when pushed will release the door. Gently push this tab and swing open the door. Finally, remove the cartridge from inside making sure not to touch any of the exposed film.
Removing Film from a Camera (Step by Step Instructions)
Over the years, many people have asked me how to remove film from a camera (without ruining it). Here are step-by-step instructions on how to do just that:
1. Start by removing the battery from the camera. This will prevent any damage to the circuitry in the event that there is a power surge when removing the film.
2. Next, locate the release button for the film chamber. This is usually located on the bottom of the camera (near the battery compartment).
3. Press and hold down the release button while simultaneously moving the camera’s top plate away from the body of the camera. The top plate will usually snap off easily. If it does not, simply apply a little more force until it comes loose.
4. Once the top plate is removed, you should see the rollers that feed the film into the chamber. Gently pull on these until they come out of their sockets (they may be a little stiff at first).
5. With the rollers removed, you should now have clear access to the film chamber itself. Reach in and carefully remove any remaining bits of film that may be clinging to the sides of the chamber.
6. To finish up, simply reverse steps 1-5 and reassemble your camera!